A Mental 健康 Continuum

Your Mental 健康: What to Consider and When 

Ex. Feeling a little down, mostly able to do my day-to-day activities, some trouble sleeping, 等.

如果是这样, ...试一试:

  • 移动你的身体
  • Connecting with others
  • Getting adequate and consistent sleep
  • Eating nutritious foods
  • Talking to a trusted person
  • Practicing being present in the moment

Do I Have significant concerns that have lasted two weeks or more?

Ex. Difficulties falling or staying asleep, changes in appetite, struggling to do everyday tasks, loss of interest, or thoughts of harming self or others, 等.

如果是这样, ...Seek professional help:

  • Consider making an appointment at 政治行动委员会 by caling (603) 862-2090
  • Consider making an appointment with 健康 & 健康 by calling (603) 862-9355 
Mental 健康 Continuum Chart

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Strategies and 资源 if you are:

Feeling content, able to met challenges most days, mood fluctuates in response to life events

  • Connection with others
  • Move your body in ways that you enjoy
  • Eat at least 3 meals per day
  • Sleep 7-8 hours per night
  • Create and maintain other routines that help you feel good

Feeling more stressed, variability in mood, struggling to meet challenges, minor disruptions in performance and abilities

  • Seek out positive supports 
  • Seek out enjoyable activities
  • Take care of your body (sleep, food, movement)
  • Use strategies that have helped you cope in the past
  • Check in on your substance use
  • 学习 about UNH's academic, physical, and mental health resources

感到焦虑, 情绪低落, difficulty navigating challenges, disruption in daily functioning, 低的动机

  • Stay connected with others
  • Take care of your body
  • Consider how your substance use is impacting your well-being
  • Use coping strategies
  • Consider using UNH's academic, physical, and mental health resources

Struggling with intense and distressing emotions, unable to meet life's demands

  • Get professional physical or mental health care 
  • Confide in most trusted supports
  • Take care of your body
  • Follow healthcare recommendations
  • Use coping strategies 