
富布赖特英国暑期学院(Fulbright UK Summer 研究院)是面向美国本科生的为期三至四周的项目, 没有或很少有北美以外的旅行经历的人. 参与者可以探索文化, 英国的传统和历史,同时在英国大学接受高等教育.

截止日期: 2月

值: Round-trip airfare; 学费 and fees at the host institution; Accommodation; In some cases, 每日少量的餐费

资格: Be a US citizen and possess a US passport; Have had no or very little study/travel experience outside of North America; Have a minimum GPA of 3.7; Be at least 18 years old by the start of the programme; Be able to participate in the programme in its entirety; Have at least two years of undergraduate study remaining after the Institute finishes 

主要: 开放

奖学金类型: 本科

类别: 国际

提名: 没有,但强烈建议与奖学金办公室合作

网站: UKSI

听到 UNH学生麦迪逊·伍德申请和参加英国富布赖特暑期学院的经验.
